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How I think now - first day in the grind ! - 1

Hello friends, 

This blog I am using it to document my journey in the computer world. I used to be a Sommelier, when I started getting into wines - I started a mother blog about wine and beverages hoping to document everything beverage related there which now I am switching to computer and allies. I did spent almost 10 years in hospitality with special interests in wine and beverages of all kinds, but I no longer anticipate to be active in the wine world. 

‘’ officially is a documentation blog of everything I learn about computer, technology, cybersecurity. I would have really enjoyed reading about the evolution later in my life whenever I had started anything new, only if I had taken the time to document the whole process. But, now I am doing it with my computer education because I am a newbie at present. I had spent considerable time in my life trying to acquire atleast some knowledge almost about everything which have impacted my life besides computers/technologies, because I had regarded this area as something I would never need to venture into- so I was happy with the basics I learned by just being in the flow - like watching the advertisements in the T.V without intending to watch them - if you know what I mean. Getting into documentation mode now - I wondered whole day trying to figure out what would be the best approach for me to take if I want to get the most out of my cybersecurity and ethical hacking educational journey. I could tell any front of the house students in hospitality what they are getting into and how they could contribute to the highest level; I am looking for similar kind of guidance in the field of information technology. 

I did some research about programming languages which incuded googling and watching few youtube videos. I know for the first time that there are many programming languages and in sort of rough hierarchy starting from something close to the C.P.U and upwards are -Assembly, C, C++, C#, Java, Swift, PHP, Javascript, Phython, Ruby. And there is also GO now, developed by google. C programming is the fundamental and the oldest language developed Circa 1972. Python is one of the most versatile and widely used. Also, there is Java which is somehow like a combination of C and C++ , also very popular. Javascript is also hot - used extensively in webdesignings. After gathering the basic informations of all these programming languages - I opt to start my journey by learning C language on my own using the resources I will be finding in the internet. This is something I am doing on my own in-addition to what I would be learning in college- which has technically started last week but I havent been to college because of COVID -19 pandemic.


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