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Getting started - 2

I wanted to start with C programming language but my class has started. Our teacher has told me that we will be strictly learning Python for now. So, instead of trying to juggle between C and Python, I have decided to spend most of the time understanding Python first and figure out later how much diversification besides college I could do on the side which would help me later in my career or business. 

 What have I learned past week - 

 a) There is data, information and knowledge. Data are useful information (they can be treated as raw materials - old school concept) while information are data arranged in some pattern, they are organized data. Data becomes information when some form of intellectualization is incorporated to extract knowledge. So, there is also knowledge in the mix - which is the outcome achieved after assessing/interpreting data and information. Data can be analysed in various ways, among which are quantitative (using numbers), qualitative(using words, sentences) or mixed (using both qualitative and quantitative ways). We also need to make sure and see the usability of data based on how old it is, who conducted the research, is the data relevant to task in hand, how versatile and inclusive are the collected data samples. 

 b) In programming - we have low level language and high level language (programming language is vocabs + grammatical rules like any other language we use, designed specifically to communicate with computers/machines). Low level language is machine dependent (meaning- a language only works for one particular machine). Low level language is divided into machine language and assembly language. Machine language uses binary 0 and 1 which is machine readable but it is not understandable/readable by humans and is really fast. Assembly language whereas uses mnemonics like add, sub, div (eg 000101001 add 00101001). Mnemonics are not understood by the machine, so assembly language use translator which is called assembler. Whereas High level language is either platform dependent like c language which means the programming language is designed for a particular platform/operating system like windos/linux/Mac and cannot be used for other platforms OR platform independent like Java/python (they could be used for various platforms). High level languages are usually written in english and should be tanslated to a code which machine understands using a translator. Compiler and interpreter are translators. Compilers scans the whole code at once and then executes the program while interpreter scans a single line at a time. Compiler is relatively faster than interpreter, the program is only executed after the compilation whereas the program is executed at the same time the interpreter is interpreting. Java uses compiler. Python is an example of programming language using an interpreter (although the interpreter of python consist of a compiler). Platform independent high level language translates the source code (either using a compiler/interpreter) into byte code (not machine readable) which in turn is translated to an object code (similar to machine code) /executable code). JVM and PVM are examples of the environment used in the process of translating byte codes into executable codes. 
Few things I researched about Python: Since I am beginning to learn python, I spent some time researching about it. I love real stories and am fond of connecting information everytime I am learning something new. I like learning to be an experience rather than a sleazy, boring task. So, Python programming language was named after surreal comedian group Monty Python who had their sketch comedy television show first aired on BBC in 1969. Right off the bat, from its naming already we can get the idea behind the programming language Python which is supposed to be fun and lively. Python was first created for the platform Amoeba and first released in 1991. Phython 2 in 2000 and Python 3 in Dec 2008 - I noticed almost 9 years gap between the releases. Guido Van Rossum from Denmark is its creator and was named the BDFL (benevolent dictator for life), the title which he gave up in 2018. Now, there is a core team of 5 people in somewhat the the highest order of heirarchy (the steering council of Python) - they are BreNiGuBaCa (I made this mnemonic) - Brett, Nick,Guido Van, Barry and Carol. Pythonistas are: who use Python.

 So, this was this week friends. See you in next blog.


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