I wanted to start with C programming language but my class has started. Our teacher has told me that we will be strictly learning Python for now. So, instead of trying to juggle between C and Python, I have decided to spend most of the time understanding Python first and figure out later how much diversification besides college I could do on the side which would help me later in my career or business. What have I learned past week - a) There is data, information and knowledge. Data are useful information (they can be treated as raw materials - old school concept) while information are data arranged in some pattern, they are organized data. Data becomes information when some form of intellectualization is incorporated to extract knowledge. So, there is also knowledge in the mix - which is the outcome achieved after assessing/interpreting data and information. Data can be analysed in various ways, among which are quantitative (using numbers), qualitative(using wor...
Learning and sharing at the same time - everything related to technology.